World Radio Day

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World Radio Day is celebrated every 13 February in honour of the creation of an international radio station in 1946, highlighting the importance of this medium as a channel of communication, information and entertainment. This date seeks to recognise its impact on society and its fundamental role in promoting freedom of expression.

Radio emerged at the end of the 19th century as wireless telegraphy, and has evolved constantly since its origins. In 1895 the Italian Guillermo Marconi invented the first Hertzian wave receiver using an electrical oscillator created by Heinrich R. Hertz. The first radio transmission over long distances was carried out by Marconi himself in 1899, across the English Channel between Dover (England) and Boulogne (France), a distance of about 48 kilometres. In 1920, the first broadcast in Argentina was a milestone with the ‘Locos de la Azotea’, who transmitted the opera Parsifal. Since then, radio has established itself as an accessible and universal medium, accompanying generations with news, music and stories.

Its ability to adapt has kept it relevant over time. From radio theatre in the 1940s to the arrival of FM in the 1970s and opinion programmes in the 1980s, radio has been able to renew itself without losing its essence. With digitalisation, radio stations have extended their reach through streaming, podcasts and interaction with listeners through social networks, demonstrating that it continues to be a dynamic and accessible medium.

Radio is also the medium that informs, entertains and educates. As a medium of communication, it plays an important role in building knowledge and promoting a free world.

In Argentina, in addition to World Radio Day, Radio Broadcasting Day is celebrated on 27 August, remembering the first radio transmission made by the ‘Locos de la Azotea’ in 1920. The ‘locos’ were Enrique Telémaco Susini, Miguel Mujica, César Guerrico and Luis Romero Carranza, all fascinated by the latest discoveries and inventions on the Hertzian waves. They put Richard Wagne's ‘Parsifal’ on the air, marking a milestone in the history of world radio that would forever change the daily lives of Argentines. Since then, emblematic radio stations and programmes have emerged that have left their mark on the collective memory.

Despite technological changes, radio continues to be a reliable, accessible and present medium in everyday life. Whether through a traditional receiver, a computer or a mobile phone, its essence remains intact: to inform, entertain and accompany.

Today, it is an opportunity to celebrate its legacy and its ability to adapt. Radio has not only stood the test of time, it has transformed itself and continues to be one of the most accessible media around the world.


World Radio Day