World Day for Organ, Tissue and Transplant Donation: An act that saves lives

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Every 14 October is World Organ, Tissue and Transplant Donation Day, a date that reminds us of the importance of donating to save or improve the lives of others. This altruistic and caring gesture not only transforms the lives of those who receive it, but also represents a chance of life for up to seven people for every donor.

Organ and tissue transplantation is a procedure that allows thousands of people, both in our country and around the world, to have a second chance when there are no other medical alternatives available. However, this process depends on the active participation of the community, making donation both a medical and a social issue, which requires the commitment of everyone.

Donation can take place in two ways: from deceased brain-dead donors, which represents the majority of cases; or from living donors, who may donate a kidney or a part of the liver. Although living donation is possible, its percentage is very small due to strict requirements, such as blood relationship or the need for judicial authorisations in cases of cross-transplantation.

In Argentina, Law 27.447, regulated in 2018, establishes that all persons over 18 years of age who die are organ or tissue donors, unless they have expressed otherwise during their lifetime. This legislation has been a fundamental step in increasing the number of donors, but it also highlights the importance of clearly expressing the will to donate to family and friends, or registering it digitally through the INCUCAI website.

The decision to become a donor is personal and non-transferable, and can be changed at any time. Therefore, it is crucial that each person reflects on this act of generosity, which not only gives a second life to those who need it, but also leaves a legacy of solidarity.

In Argentina, National Organ Donation Day is commemorated on 30 May, in commemoration of the birth of the child of the first patient to give birth after receiving a transplant.

On this World Organ Donation Day, we remember that ‘Your organs have two lives’ and that being a donor is the noblest commitment to help others. There are decisions that save lives, and donation is one of them.


World Day for Organ, Tissue and Transplant Donation: An act that saves lives