Argentine Industry Day

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Every September 2nd, Argentina celebrates Industry Day, an important date to highlight the importance of the industrial sector in the economic, political and social development of the country.

This date commemorates an important milestone in the economic history of Argentina: on 2 September 1587, the first shipment of manufactured goods was made from the port of Buenos Aires to Brazil. This first cargo consisted of cotton fabrics and other local products, marking the beginning of export activity.

This event laid the foundations for what would become the country's industrial development, an industry that has evolved over time to adapt to the demands of the global market.

Since then and up to the present day, the industrial sector is one of the most powerful engines of the economy, with its network of large, medium and small companies, which together contribute significantly to technological development, the generation of value and job creation.

As part of President Javier Milei's government plan, the National Secretariat of Industry and Trade implemented a series of measures to make the economy internationally competitive, lower prices and promote exports. For example, distortions and bureaucracy costs were eliminated, and import processes for steel and construction materials and industrial inputs were simplified. Resolutions that obliged companies to submit unnecessary information and implied additional resource costs were also repealed. To date, 72 interventionist regulations have been eliminated.

This 2 September is an occasion to recognise the continued efforts of those who, day in and day out, drive the country's industrial progress. It is a reminder of the crucial role that industry plays not only in the economy, but also in building a more prosperous future for all Argentines.


Argentine Industry Day