30 Years after the AMIA Bombing

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On 18 July 1994, the terrorist attack against the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) took place, a tragic and painful episode that marked the history of Argentina.

At 9:53 a.m. that day, a car bomb destroyed the AMIA headquarters at 633 Pasteur Street, in the Once neighbourhood of Buenos Aires, leaving 85 people dead and more than 300 injured. This attack, perpetrated just two years after the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, is considered the worst terrorist act on Argentine soil.

Since 1994, AMIA has led a tireless struggle for justice, seeking that the perpetrators and masterminds be brought to trial and serve the corresponding sentences for this crime against humanity. Throughout these 30 years, the demand for justice has remained firm, as has the memory of the 85 lives cut short.

Every 18 July, at 9.53am, a siren is sounded to commemorate the victims of the bombing. This act is not only a reminder of the past, but also a renewed call for truth and justice. The memory of the victims is kept alive by their families and by the whole of Argentine society, which continues to demand answers and justice.

Recently, the government of President Javier Milei sent two clear signals against terrorism. On the one hand, it informed that the HAMAS group was declared by the Argentine state as an international terrorist organisation. On the other hand, he presented a bill in the Chamber of Deputies to regulate trials in absentia. This initiative seeks to amend the Code of Criminal Procedure, approved by Law Nº 23.984, and the Federal Code of Criminal Procedure, in order to be able to try defendants who are not present at the trial, which would allow the Iranians accused of perpetrating the bombing of the AMIA to be tried in absentia.

Thirty years after the attack, the commitment to memory, truth and justice remains unwavering, transcending generations and borders. Argentine society will not forget and will continue to demand justice.


30 Years after the AMIA Bombing