The May Pact was signed

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President Javier Milei signed, together with governors, the May Pact at the Casa Histórica de Tucumán. Also present were former Presidents Mauricio Macri and Adolfo Rodríguez Saá; legislators and sectoral representatives.


We, the representatives of the United Provinces of the South, gathered in San Miguel de Tucumán, birthplace of our Nation, before the gaze of the Eternal One, in the name and by the authority of the people we represent, solemnly declare that it is the unanimous will of those present to break with the antinomies of the past and to re-establish the social contract that gave birth to our beloved Homeland.

We, the undersigned, declare and ratify our commitment to the Pact of May, as agreed in the following ten clauses, established with the aim of reconstituting the foundations of Argentina and reinserting our people on the path of development and prosperity:

The inviolability of private property.
2. Non-negotiable fiscal balance.
3. The reduction of public spending to historic levels, around 25% of Gross Domestic Product.
4. Useful and modern initial, primary and secondary education, with full literacy and no school dropouts.
5. A tax reform that reduces the tax burden, simplifies the lives of Argentines and promotes trade.
6. Rediscussion of the federal co-participation of taxes to put an end to the current extortionist model suffered by the provinces.
7. The commitment of the Argentine provinces to advance in the exploitation of the country's natural resources.
8. A modern labour reform that promotes formal work.
9. A pension reform that gives sustainability to the system and respects those who have contributed.
10. Opening up to international trade, so that Argentina can once again be a protagonist in the global market.

Those who subscribe to the present document, commit themselves in turn to the constitution of a May Council, to discuss the great, august and sacred object of the re-foundation of the Homeland.

This body will be composed of a President of the May Council, a representative of the National Executive Power, a representative of the Chamber of Deputies, a representative of the Chamber of Senators, a representative of the provinces, a representative of the trade unions and a representative of the business sector.
May God bless all Argentines and grant us the wisdom and strength necessary to overcome the challenges we face as a society, in order to build a prosperous future for our Nation. May the Forces of Heaven be with us.

The May Pact was signed by the Governors and Heads of Government: Jorge Macri (Autonomous City of Buenos Aires), Osvaldo Jaldo (Tucumán), Raúl Jalil (Catamarca), Leandro Zdero (Chaco), Ignacio Torres (Chubut), Martín Llaryora (Córdoba), Gustavo Valdés (Corrientes), Rogelio Frigerio (Entre Ríos), Carlos Sadir (Jujuy), Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza), Hugo Passalacqua (Misiones), Rolando Figueroa (Neuquén), Alberto Weretilneck (Río Negro), Gustavo Sáenz (Salta), Marcelo Orrego (San Juan), Claudio Poggi (San Luis), Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe) and Gerardo Zamora (Santiago del Estero).




The May Pact was signed