9 July: Argentine Independence Day

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Today we commemorate and celebrate one of the founding milestones of our homeland: Independence Day. 208 years ago, the representatives of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata proclaimed independence, breaking the ties of subordination with the Spanish crown and rejecting any other foreign domination.

The Congress of Tucumán began its sessions in the Casa de Tucumán, located in San Miguel de Tucumán, on 24 March 1816, composed of representatives of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata. The presidency of the Congress was rotating and changed every month, according to the decision of the delegates themselves. For months, these representatives met and debated daily to plan a new nation.

On 9 July 1816, after nine hours of intense debate, the Congress of Tucumán declared Independence. On that day, Narciso Francisco Laprida asked the memorable question: "Do you want the provinces of the Union to be a free and independent nation from the kings of Spain and their metropolis? The answer of the deputies was in the affirmative. This historic act signified the definitive break with political dependence on the Spanish crown, thus completing the revolutionary process initiated on 25 May 1810.

The "Act of Emancipation" was immediately drawn up, establishing the rupture of "the violent ties" with "the kings of Spain" to constitute "a free and independent nation from King Ferdinand VII, his successors and the metropolis". Days later, to this declaration was added the renunciation of "all other foreign domination", clearing up any speculation about possible submission to the king of Portugal. Thus, six years after the May Revolution, centuries of Spanish colonial rule came to an end.

On that day, popular demonstrations gathered around the Casa de Tucumán chanting "Viva la Patria" (Long live the homeland). On July 10th, an exclusive party was organised which started at nine in the morning with a mass in the temple of San Francisco, which was attended by the main figures of Tucumán society. On July 21st, a popular celebration was held at the Campo de Carreras, a place of symbolic importance due to the Battle of Tucumán, with speeches by Manuel Belgrano and Governor Araoz.

Hoy recordamos con orgullo la Declaración de Independencia y valoramos el esfuerzo de aquellos que hicieron posible la construcción de una nación libre y soberana. ¡Viva la Patria! ¡Viva la Independencia!


9 July: Argentine Independence Day