214 years since the birth of the Argentine Naval Prefecture

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Every June 30th, the Argentine Naval Prefecture Day is celebrated as a tribute to Martín Jacobo Thompson, the first Captain of the Patriotic Port of the Río de la Plata, who played an outstanding role during the English invasions and the May Revolution.

The Prefectura Naval Argentina, one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions in the country, was born in 1810 under the name of Capitanía General de Puertos. The First Government Junta, recognising the importance of having a maritime authority, incorporated it as a national institution.

On June 30, 1810, Mariano Moreno, Secretary of Government and War and in charge of Foreign Relations, appointed the then frigate ensign Martín Jacobo José Thompson as the first Port Captain of the Río de la Plata.

In 1882, the name of the General Port Captaincy was changed to Prefectura Marítima, being the first time the name Prefectura appeared. In 1969 the institution changed its name to Prefectura Naval Argentina, as it is known today.

The Prefectura Naval Argentina is the Security Force that performs the functions of navigation safety police, public order prevention, environmental protection, judicial police, fishing, customs, immigration and sanitary auxiliary police.

At present, the Prefectura patrols the Argentine maritime spaces, watches over the limit of the Exclusive Economic Zone, protecting natural resources and providing security to navigators.

Noted for its professionalism and dedication, it operates with a highly trained team equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Its missions include the fight against drug trafficking and illegal fishing, the rescue of people in danger, and the surveillance of maritime and river borders.

The Argentine Naval Prefecture's Day is an opportunity to acknowledge and thank the sacrifice and commitment of those who make up this noble force. Their daily actions not only ensure the safety of waterways, but also strengthen national sovereignty and social peace.


214 years since the birth of the Argentine Naval Prefecture