National Book Day

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Every 15 June, Argentina celebrates National Book Day, a day dedicated to highlighting the importance of reading and the fundamental role that books play in the cultural and educational development of the country.

In 1924, President Marcelo T. de Alvear declared 15 June as "Book Day" by Decree Nº 1.038, in honour of the awarding of prizes by the National Council of Women, in its annual literary competition.

On 11 June 1941, a resolution of the Ministry of Education changed the name to "Book Day", a name that is still used today.

Every 15 June, it is emphasised that reading is a powerful tool for personal and collective development. Books allow us to travel to unknown worlds, to learn from other people's experiences and to enrich our knowledge. Therefore, the celebration of National Book Day is an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to the promotion of reading as a fundamental pillar of education and culture.

In the world, World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated on 23 April, in commemoration of the death of Miguel de Cervantes, William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, three of the most significant authors in the history of humanity.

In Argentina, on this date we commemorate "Facundo o civilización y barbarie en las pampas argentinas", a masterpiece by President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, a copy of which was written in 1845 and is kept in the Casa Rosada Museum.

This essay, published in the Chilean newspaper "El Progreso", is considered one of the most important works of national literature. As its title indicates, Sarmiento analyses the conflicts that arose in our country from independence until the 1840s, starting from the opposing concepts of civilisation and barbarism.

The edition in the museum dates from 1874 and has an engraved portrait of Sarmiento with his presidential sash. It also has a handwritten dedication addressed to the then first lady Carmen de Nóbrega de Avellaneda.


National Book Day