Journalist's Day

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Today, June 7, Argentina celebrates the Journalist's Day in honor of the founding of “La Gazeta de Buenos Ayres”, the country's first national newspaper, created by Mariano Moreno in 1810, which played a crucial role in the struggle for independence and in the dissemination of revolutionary ideas.

La Gazeta de Buenos Ayres, whose first issue was printed on June 7, 1810, emerged as an organ for the dissemination of the ideas of the First Government Junta, which decreed this new media nine days after its creation and announced Manuel Alberti as the editor. Mariano Moreno, Manuel Belgrano and Juan José Castelli also worked there.

Most of the issues were created by Mariano Moreno, while Alberti, who played a fundamental role in the edition of this newspaper, did not usually sign his contributions to the paper.

In the first issue of the publication, Moreno stated:

"The people have a right to know the conduct of their representatives, and the honor of these representatives is interested in everyone knowing the execration with which they regard those reservations and mysteries invented by power to cover their crimes. The people should not be content that their leaders act well; they should aspire that they may never act badly. In order to achieve such just desires, the Junta has resolved to publish a new weekly newspaper under the title of Gazeta de Buenos Ayres".

This newspaper was printed in Buenos Aires until September 1821, when Bernardino Rivadavia, Minister of Government and Foreign Affairs, decided to replace it with the Registro Oficial.

It was in 1938, during the First National Congress of Journalists held in the province of Córdoba, when June 7 was established as a special date to commemorate the Journalist's Day. In that same congress, the first writings of the Professional Statute (Law 12.908) were drafted, which would be sanctioned in 1944 by the National Congress.

Journalism in Argentina has evolved significantly since those days, adapting to technological and social changes.

On this day, we salute all those journalists who reject the incentives of power and play a fundamental role based on freedom of the press, informing, investigating and denouncing facts of public interest.


Journalist's Day
Journalist's Day
Journalist's Day