Day of Our Lady of Lujan, national patron saint

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Every May 8, the Day of Our Lady of Luján, patron saint of Argentina, is celebrated. On this day, thousands of faithful congregate at the Basilica of Luján, located about 70 km west of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, to pay homage to the virgin and offer prayers, thanks and petitions through the intercession of her maternal love.

The history of the Virgin of Luján has its roots in the year 1630, when two images of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, coming from Brazil, arrived at the port of Buenos Aires. One of these images, when being transported by cart to Santiago del Estero, mysteriously stopped on the banks of the Lujan River, and the oxen pulling the cart could not move it. The carriers discovered that when they removed the image of the Virgin from the cart, it moved easily. This event led to the conclusion that the Virgin wanted to stay in that place, becoming the Virgin of Luján, a symbol of devotion for Argentines.

In 1887, Pope Leo XXII crowned the Virgin as “Our Lady of Luján”, consecrating her as the patroness of the Argentine Catholic parishioners. In addition, the Executive Power of the Nation declared her patroness of the Argentine roads in 1944, of the Argentine Federal Police in 1946 and of the Argentine railroads in 1948.

The Basilica of Lujan, where the image of the Virgin resides, is a place of great religious and cultural importance. Although the original image was moved in 1904 from the chapel where it was found to the Basilica, the latter was not officially recognized until 1930 by the Holy See, coinciding with the Tercentenary of the Virgin of Lujan.

The celebration of May 8 is a moment to reflect on the deep spiritual connection that unites the Argentine people with the Virgin Mary under the patronage of Our Lady of Lujan.


Day of Our Lady of Lujan, national patron saint
Day of Our Lady of Lujan, national patron saint
Day of Our Lady of Lujan, national patron saint
Day of Our Lady of Lujan, national patron saint
Day of Our Lady of Lujan, national patron saint