Horse Grenadiers: Find out what it's like to change the guard

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Every day, every two hours, the grenadiers of the Casa Rosada perform the historic changing of the guard at the Metropolitan Cathedral, where they guard the mausoleum of General Don José de San Martín.

Seven grenadiers leave the Casa Rosada and march 284 metres to the Cathedral, where they relieve two grenadiers and return to the seat of Government. This changing of the guard takes place at odd hours and can be seen between 7am and 5pm.

These grenadiers belong to the Ayacucho Squadron. Among the functions they perform are the presidential security at Government House, the custody of the remains of the Liberator in the mausoleum at the Metropolitan Cathedral, the raising and lowering of the Official Flag of the Nation at the Plaza de Mayo and the participation in all ceremonial acts that take place at the Casa Rosada and the Cathedral.
In addition, this squadron is in charge of the custody of the Liberator's Sabre in the National Historical Museum, located in Parque Lezama.

Regiment of Horse Grenadiers

It was created by General José de San Martín on 16 March 1812 with the aim of liberating America. Knowing that the great enterprise of the Freedom of America required men with a passion for the homeland and duty, the Liberator not only trained his men for combat, but also took personal care to strengthen and exalt their values and virtues, which would be the fundamental pillars of the nascent army.

From the Combat of San Lorenzo (3 February 1813) to Ayacucho (9 December 1824), the Regiment played a leading role in the scenarios in which freedom was fought for. During this period, the grenadiers acted in 20 campaigns, participated in 110 war actions and won 22 decorations.

In 1824, the Cycle of Glory came to an end, and 105 grenadiers returned to Buenos Aires, integrating the remains of the old corps after 11 years of fighting. After remaining inactive for 77 years, General Pablo Richieri drafted the decree of recreation which was signed by President Julio Argentino Roca on May 29th 1903.

In 1909, during the presidency of Doctor Figueroa Alcorta, it was given the mission of being the Presidential Escort, and a barracks was built especially for the grenadiers on the Barranca del Plata, in a variant of French Art Nouveau.

Today, the Regiment is made up of four mounted squadrons: Riobamba, Junín, San Lorenzo and Maypo. They are the ones usually seen in parades, escorts and military parades. They show off their sorrel and Creole horses, evoking those brave men who more than 200 years ago crossed the Andes to liberate half a continent.

The squadrons on foot, Chacabuco and Ayacucho, have the mission of providing security to the highest investiture of the National Executive Power, both in the Government House and in the Olivos Residence.

On the other hand, the Alto Peru Military Fanfare is mounted on tordillo horses and is characterised by wind instruments made of bronze, and large timpani carried on sturdy horses.

There is also a Grenadier Detachment in the city of Yapeyú that guards the Liberator's birthplace, and another in San Lorenzo, in the city of Santa Fe, where the Regiment's baptism of fire took place on February 3rd, 1813. In addition, the Regiment has the mission of guarding the Liberator's house in Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, where he spent the last years of his life.


Horse Grenadiers: Find out what it's like to change the guard
Horse Grenadiers: Find out what it's like to change the guard
Horse Grenadiers: Find out what it's like to change the guard
Horse Grenadiers: Find out what it's like to change the guard
Horse Grenadiers: Find out what it's like to change the guard
Horse Grenadiers: Find out what it's like to change the guard
Horse Grenadiers: Find out what it's like to change the guard