President Javier Milei's first meeting with all the country's governors

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President Javier Milei held a meeting today at the Casa Rosada with the country's 24 governors, accompanied by the Vice-President of the Nation, Victoria Villarruel; the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei; the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse; the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, and the head of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem.

At the end of the meeting, which lasted more than two and a half hours, Francos made statements together with the governors of Salta, Gustavo Sáenz, of Córdoba, Martín Llaryora, and of Catamarca, Raúl Jalil.


"The President explained to the governors the situation in which the country found itself at the time of the inauguration and the reasons that justified the measures that were taken in the first place."

"Each of the governors expressed the vision from their own district and the difficulties they are facing due to various issues".

"The President asked the governors for their support in dealing with these regulations that will be sent to Extraordinary Session at the end of this week, which will make it possible to bring about the transformations in the economy that the government intends to carry out."


"We welcome this type of meeting, Argentina and Argentinians need responsible politicians, with political maturity; an Argentina of encounter, of dialogue, of concurrence and harmony is coming".

"We can work together regardless of political allegiances and ideologies when the needs of our people are the same".

"We are going to support whatever we have to support, we know that these are difficult times that we have to get through and the only way to do it is together".


"All the governors beyond political parties and ideological differences we expressed to the President that we wanted to work together. The important thing is to put differences aside, to see what unites us; the rift has to be part of history.

"Today is also very important for the outside world to see that Argentina is putting aside its quarrels and starting to build state policies".

"We will wait to see the legislative package to deal with it in depth. All the governors are taking measures to adjust political spending. Today's signal is very good from an institutional point of view".


"We have to put an end to the culture of polemics and start with the culture of dialogue. We have been able to talk about the fiscal deficit. Practically all the governors agree on dealing with the issue of the fiscal deficit.

"The truth is that it has been a very good meeting, where practically the majority of the governors have been able to express themselves, and the most important thing is that the president has listened to us".


President Javier Milei's first meeting with all the country's governors